The International Reformed Baptist Seminary is proud to offer this course in partnership with the Centre d’études réformées baptistes du Québec. We are thankful to SEMBEQ for allowing us to host this course in their facility in Montreal.
Date, location and schedule
- 📅 Monday February 17, 2025 to Friday February 21
- 📍 SEMBEQ: 9780 Rue Sherbrooke E Montréal QC H1L 6N6
- 🧑💻 Zoom participation available
- ⏰ 9:30 AM EST (morning session), 12:30 PM (lunch break), 2:00 PM (afternoon session), 5:00 PM (day break). The course ends at noon Friday.
- Download syllabus here
Course description
This course delves into the landscape of covenant theology and its complex application to cultural engagement. In particular, it seeks to highlight issues of significance between the Neo-Calvinist and Reformed Two-Kingdom positions. While dialogue on this topic is often very heated, in the hope of moving the discussion forward, the course will attempt to keep away from surface-level polemics. Instead, it will focus on the more important sub structural differences at play by using the thought of Meredith G. Kline. Further, it will explain the implications of these differences upon ministry and mission in the local church. (2 credit hours)
A special session is planned with a critique of Kline and the Two-Kingdom view. This part of the class will be presented as a dialogue among reformed theologians concerning the proper cultural engagement for the Christians and the church. It will focus on the theological principles that lay under these opposite views.
The course will be taught in English only. If enough students require a French translation, it could be provided. Check the appropriate option when you subscribe (see link below).
Michael Beck is from South Africa. In 2005, he was commissioned and sent to plant Gracenet Community Church in Wellington (Fellowship of Reformed Baptist Churches in New Zealand). He also teaches Biblical Languages and Biblical Theology at Grace Theological College, NZ. Michael’s PhD dissertation (South African Theological Seminary) was on Reformed covenant theology and its relationship to cultural engagement (published as Cult and Culture, Pickwick Publications). In connection with this research, Mike hosts a regular, lively and open theological discussion on the Two Age Sojourner podcast. Mike has been married to Candice for 20 years. While living in Wellington, they have been blessed with five beautiful children.
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