➡️ DESCRIPTION: On this episode of Coram Deo, I am glad to receive Dr. Michael Beck from New Zealand. Dr. Beck is the pastor of Gracenet Community Church and the author of Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary: A Dialectic Inquiry Concerning Meredith Kline and the Reformed Two-Kingdom Project . You can find the Two Age Sojourner podcast on several platforms and on YouTube
He will be teaching a course in Montreal next February on the covenant theology underneath the cultural engagement of the church (for more info or to register click here:
00:00 – Start
05:02 – How did you become interested in this subject?
08:57 – What is the connection between covenant theology and cultural engagement?
17:58 – What’s wrong with the covenant theology of postmillennial theonomy?
22:57 – Isn’t Christendom a good idea?
32:08 – How should a Christian ruler rule?
38:33 – How did Kline helped you think through these issues?
46:32 – Are you in the Moscow mood?
47:52 – Theology course in Montreal – Feb 2025
50:57 – Book recommendation: Meredith Kline, La structure de l’autorité biblique
52:32 – Funnies
LÉGENDE (SoundCloud)
🎵 Transitional tune: Hold Your Peace, Douglas Wilson
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